
Member of the committee for the Most Notable Paper Award 2019 for 2009, Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2009)
Co-chair of VORTEX at ECOOP 2019 the 3rd workshop on Verification of Objects at Runtime Execution
PhD thesis opponent: Mauricio Chimento, Combined Static and Dynamic Verification of Object Oriented Software Through Partial Proofs, Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University
PC member of IJCAI 2019, the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Member of the committee for the Most Notable Paper Award 2018 for 2008, Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2008)
Italian scientific qualification as full professor (August 2018)
Track co-chair of NGPS 2019 (Next Generation Programming Paradigms and Systems)
SAC 2019
General chair of <Programming> 2019 the 3rd International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming
Chair of the ECOOP 2018 Test of Time Award committee
Co-chair of VORTEX at ECOOP 2018 the 2nd workshop on runtime verification for object-oriented languages, and systems
Track chair of OOPPS 2018 (Object-Oriented and Parallel Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2018
PC member of <Programming> 2018, the second edition of the International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming
Member of the External Review Committee for SPLASH 2017 OOPSLA
Program chair of Dynamic Languages Symposium 2017
Invited speaker at the Workshop on Coalgebra, Horn Clause Logic Programming and Types Edinburgh, UK, 28 - 29 November 2016
Track chair of OOPS 2017 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2017
Co-organizer of VORTEX 2016, the first workshop on runtime verification
for object-oriented languages, and systems
Member of the Program Committee of FTfJP 2016
Member of the External Review Committee for SPLASH 2016 OOPSLA
Member of the Program Committee for TASE 2016
Track chair of OOPS 2016 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2016
Invited to the NII Shonan Meeting su "Semantics and Verification of Object-Oriented Languages"
September 21-25, 2015
PC member of ICTCS 2015, 16th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
Co-chair of CILC 2015, 30th Italian Conference on Computational Logic
Genoa, July 1st-3rd 2015
Track chair of OOPS 2015 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2015
Invited to the workshop
Reliability of Concurrent and Distributed Software, May 6-9, 2014, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Member of the External Reviewing Committee of
POPL 2015 (42nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages)
PC member of
CMCS '14 (12th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science)
Invited to
NII Shonan Meeting: Coinduction for computation structures and programming languages Shonan Village Center, Japan, October 6-10, 2013
PC member of
ECOOP 2014 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming)
Track chair of
OOPS 2014 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2014
PC member of DLS
2013 (Dynamic Languages Symposium 2013, colocated with SPLASH/OOPSLA)
PC member of
ECOOP 2013 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming)
Track chair of
OOPS 2013 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2013
PC member of the 6th Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'12)
Track co-chair of
OOPS 2012 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2012
PC member of the 5th Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'11)
Track co-chair of
OOPS 2011 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems)
SAC 2011
PC member of FOOL
2010 (International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages 2010, colocated with SPLASH/OOPSLA)
PC member of DLS
2010 (Dynamic Languages Symposium 2010, colocated with SPLASH/OOPSLA)
Track co-chair of
OOPS 2010 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and
Systems) at SAC
Organizing chair of
ECOOP 2009 (23rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming)
PC member of DLS
2009 (Dynamic Languages Symposium 2009)
Track co-chair of OOPS 2009 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and
Systems) at SAC 2009
PC member of IEEE IRI 2008 (The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration)
PC member of Bytecode 2008 (satellite workshop of ETAPS 2008)
PC member of ESOP 2008 (17th European Symposium on Programming) at ETAPS 2008
Workshop co-chair of
FTfJP 2006 (Formal Techniques for Java-like
Track co-chair of
OOPS 2004 through 2009 (Object-Oriented Programming Languages and
Systems) at SAC
PC member of WOOD 2004 (Workshop on Object-Oriented Developments)
OC member of ETAPS 2001

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Please send suggestions and comments to:
Davide Ancona
Last Updated: May 2013