[1] | D. Ancona, A. Ferrando, and V. Mascardi. Parametric runtime verification of multiagent systems. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AAMAS 2017, São Paulo, Brazil, May 8-12, 2017, pages 1457--1459, 2017. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[2] | D. Ancona, A. Ferrando, and V. Mascardi. Comparing trace expressions and linear temporal logic for runtime verification. In Theory and Practice of Formal Methods - Essays Dedicated to Frank de Boer on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, pages 47--64, 2016. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[3] | D. Ancona, V. Bono, M. Bravetti, J. Campos, G. Castagna, P. M. Deniélou, S. J. Gay, N. Gesbert, E. Giachino, R. Hu, E. B. Johnsen, F. Martins, V. Mascardi, F. Montesi, R. Neykova, N. Ng, L. Padovani, V.T. Vasconcelos, and N. Yoshida. Behavioral types in programming languages. Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages, 3(2-3):95--230, 2016. [ bib | DOI | .pdf | http | Abstract ] |
[4] | Davide Ancona, Daniela Briola, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Viviana Mascardi, and Patrick Taillibert. Exploiting prolog for projecting agent interaction protocols. In Proceedings of the 29th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, Torino, Italy, June 16-18, 2014., pages 30--45, 2014. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[5] | V. Mascardi, D. Ancona, M. Barbieri, R. H. Bordini, and A. Ricci. CooL-AgentSpeak: Endowing AgentSpeak-DL agents with plan exchange and ontology services. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 12(1):83--107, 2014. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[6] | D. Briola, V. Mascardi, and D. Ancona. Distributed runtime verification of JADE multiagent systems. In Intelligent Distributed Computing VIII - Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, IDC 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 3-5, 2014, pages 81--91, 2014. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[7] | D. Ancona, M. Barbieri, and V. Mascardi. Constrained Global Types for Dynamic Checking of Protocol Conformance in Multi-Agent Systems. In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2013), pages 1--3, 2013. Poster paper. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[8] | V. Mascardi, D. Briola, and D. Ancona. On the expressiveness of attribute global types: The formalization of a real multiagent system protocol. In AI*IA 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - XIIIth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Turin, Italy, December 4-6, 2013. Proceedings, pages 300--311, 2013. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[9] | D. Ancona, V. Mascardi, and O. Pavarino. Ontology-based documentation extraction for semi-automatic migration of Java code. In S. Ossowski and P. Lecca, editors, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), pages 1137--1143. ACM, 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[10] | D. Ancona, M. Barbieri, and V. Mascardi. Global Types for Dynamic Checking of Protocol Conformance of Multi-Agent Systems (Extended Abstract). In P. Massazza, editor, 13th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2012), pages 39--43, 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[11] | D. Ancona, S. Drossopoulou, and V. Mascardi. Automatic Generation of Self-Monitoring MASs from Multiparty Global Session Types in Jason. In Declarative agent languages and technologies (DALT 2012)., pages 1--20. Springer, 2012. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[12] | V. Mascardi and D Ancona. 1000 years of coo-BDI. In Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IX - 9th International Workshop, DALT 2011, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, pages 95--101, 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[13] | V. Mascardi, D. Ancona, R. H. Bordini, and A. Ricci. Cool-AgentSpeak: Enhancing AgentSpeak-DL Agents with Plan Exchange and Ontology Services. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, IAT 2011, pages 109--116, 2011. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[14] | D. Ancona and V. Mascardi. Exploiting Agents and Ontologies for Type- and Meaning-Safe Adaptation of Java Programs. In Proceedings of the MALLOW-AWESOME 2009 workshop, volume 494. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2009. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[15] | V. Mascardi, D. Demergasso, and D. Ancona. Languages for Programming BDI-style Agents: an Overview. In F. Corradini, F. De Paoli, E. Merelli, and A. Omicini, editors, WOA 2005 - Workshop From Objects to Agents, pages 9--15, 2005. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[16] | L. Bozzo, V. Mascardi, D. Ancona, and P. Busetta. COOWS: Adaptive BDI Agents meet Service-Oriented Computing. In M. P. Gleizes, G. A. Kaminka, A. Nowé, S. Ossowski, K. Tuyls, and K. Verbeeck, editors, EUMAS 2005 - Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, Brussels, Belgium, December 7-8, 2005, page 473, 2005. [ bib | http | Abstract ] |
[17] | D. Ancona, V. Mascardi, J.F. Hübner, and R. H. Bordini. Coo-AgentSpeak: Cooperation in AgentSpeak through Plan Exchange. In N. R. Jennings, C. Sierra, L. Sonenberg, and M. Tambe, editors, AAMAS 2004 (Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), pages 698--705. ACM press, 2004. [ bib | .pdf | Abstract ] |
[18] | D. Ancona and V. Mascardi. Coo-BDI: Extending the BDI Model with Cooperativity. In J. Leite, A. Omicini, L. Sterling, and P. Torroni, editors, Declarative Agent Languages and Techniques, First International Workshop, DALT 2003, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, volume 2990 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 109--134. Springer Verlag, 2004. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ] |
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