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  booktitle = {{Formal techniques for Java-like programs (FTfJP14)}},
  keywords = {{semantics, types, objects, coinduction}},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/person/AnconaD/Ancona-FTfJP14.pdf},
  author = {Ancona, D.},
  title = {{How to Prove Type Soundness of Java-like Languages Without Forgoing Big-step Semantics}},
  pages = {1:1--1:6},
  year = {2014},
  articleno = {1},
  publisher = {ACM},
  abstract = {Small-step operational semantics is the most commonly employed formalism for
proving type soundness of statically typed programming languages, because 
of its ability to distinguish stuck from non-terminating computations,
as opposed to big-step operational semantics.

Despite this, big-step operational semantics is more abstract, and more
useful for specifying interpreters. 

In previous work we have proposed a new proof technique to prove type soundness
of a Java-like language expressed in terms of its big-step operational semantics.
However the presented proof is rather involved, since it
requires showing that the set of proof trees defining the semantic judgment forms a complete metric space
when equipped with a specific distance function.
In this paper we propose a more direct and abstract approach that exploits a standard and general compactness property
of the metric space of values, that allows approximation of the coinductive big-step semantics in terms of the small-step one;
in this way type soundness can be proved by standard mathematical induction.
  author = {Ancona, D.},
  title = {Soundness of {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguages with
                   {C}oinductive {B}ig-{S}tep {S}emantics},
  booktitle = {E{COOP} 2012 - {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming},
  editor = {Noble, J.},
  volume = {7313},
  pages = {459--483},
  publisher = {Springer},
  abstract = {It is well known that big-step operational semantics
                   are not suitable for proving soundness of type systems,
                   because of their inability to distinguish stuck from
                   non-terminating computations. We show how this problem
                   can be solved by interpreting coinductively the rules
                   for the standard big-step operational semantics of a
                   Java-like language, thus making the claim of soundness
                   more intuitive: whenever a program is well-typed, its
                   coinductive operational semantics returns a value.
                   Indeed, coinduction allows non-terminating computations
                   to return values; this is proved by showing that the
                   set of proof trees defining the semantic judgment forms
                   a complete metric space when equipped with a proper
                   distance function. In this way, we are able to prove
                   soundness of a nominal type system w.r.t. the
                   coinductive semantics. Since the coinductive semantics
                   is sound w.r.t. the usual small-step operational
                   semantics, the standard claim of soundness can be
                   easily deduced. },
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/person/AnconaD/AnconaECOOP12.pdf},
  keywords = {semantics, types, objects, coinduction},
  year = 2012
  author = {Ancona, D.},
  title = {Coinductive big-step operational semantics for type
                   soundness of {J}ava-like languages},
  booktitle = {Formal {T}echniques for {J}ava-like {P}rograms
  pages = {5:1--5:6},
  publisher = {ACM},
  abstract = {We define a coinductive semantics for a simple
                   Java-like language by simply interpreting coinductively
                   the rules of a standard big-step operational semantics.
                   We prove that such a semantics is sound w.r.t. the
                   usual small-step operational semantics, and then prove
                   soundness of a conventional nominal type system w.r.t.
                   the coinductive semantics. From these two results,
                   soundness of the type system w.r.t. the small-step
                   semantics can be easily deduced. This new proposed
                   approach not only opens up new possibilities for
                   proving type soundness, but also provides useful
                   insights on the connection between coinductive big-step
                   operational semantics and type systems.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/person/AnconaD/FTfJP11.pdf},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-0893-9},
  keywords = {semantics, types, objects, coinduction},
  year = 2011
  author = {Ancona, D. and Fagorzi, S. and Zucca, E.},
  title = {A parametric calculus for mobile open code},
  journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume = 192,
  number = 3,
  pages = {3 - 22},
  note = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on
                   Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2007)},
  abstract = {We present a simple parametric calculus of processes
                   which exchange open mobile code, that is, code which
                   may contain free variables to be bound by the
                   receiver's code. Type safety is ensured by a
                   combination of static and dynamic checks. That is,
                   internal consistency of each process is statically
                   verified, by relying on local type assumptions on
                   missing code; then, when code is sent from a process to
                   another, a runtime check based on a subtyping relation
                   ensures that it can be successfully received, without
                   requiring re-inspection of the code. In order to refuse
                   communication in as few cases as possible, the runtime
                   check accepts even mobile code which would be rejected
                   if statically available, by automatically inserting
                   coercions driven by the subtyping relation, as in the
                   so-called Penn translation. The calculus is parametric
                   in some ingredients which can vary depending on the
                   specific language or system. Notably, we abstract away
                   from the specific nature of the code to be exchanged,
                   and of the static and dynamic checks. We formalize the
                   notion of type safety in our general framework and
                   provide sufficient conditions on the above ingredients
                   which guarantee this property. We illustrate our
                   approach on a simple lambda-calculus with records,
                   where type safe exchange of mobile code is made
                   problematic by conflicts due to components which were
                   not explicitly required. In particular, we show that
                   the standard coercion semantics given in the
                   literature, with other aims, for this calculus, allows
                   to detect and eliminate conflicts due to inner
                   components, thus solving a problem which was left open
                   in previous work on type-safe exchange of mobile code.},
  doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.entcs.2008.10.024},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/ENTCS08.pdf},
  keywords = {types, semantics},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B75H1-4TVSXYD-2/2/fa909596cba334aeb406667bdfd71e90},
  year = 2008
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {A Theory of Mixin Modules: Algebraic Laws and
                   Reduction Semantics},
  journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
  volume = 12,
  number = {6},
  pages = {701--737},
  abstract = {Mixins are modules which may contain deferred
                   components, i.e. components not defined in the module
                   itself; moreover, in contrast to parameterized modules
                   (like ML functors), they can be mutually dependent and
                   allow their definitions to be overridden. In a
                   preceding paper we have defined syntax and denotational
                   semantics of a kernel language of mixin modules. Here,
                   we take instead an axiomatic approach, giving a set of
                   algebraic laws expressing the expected properties of a
                   small set of primitive operators on mixins.
                   Interpreting axioms as rewriting rules, we get a
                   reduction semantics for the language and prove the
                   existence of normal forms. Moreover, we show that the
                   model defined in the earlier paper satisfies the given
                   axiomatization. },
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/MSCS01.ps.gz},
  keywords = {components, semantics},
  year = 2002
  author = {D. Ancona and M. Cerioli and E. Zucca},
  title = {Extending {C}asl with Late Binding},
  booktitle = {W{ADT}'99 - 14th {W}orkshop on {A}lgebraic
                   {D}evelopment {T}echniques - {S}elected {P}apers},
  editor = {Bert, D. and Choppy, C.},
  volume = {1827},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {53--72},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We define an extension of CASL, the standard language
                   for algebraic specification, with a late binding
                   mechanism. More precisely, we introduce a special kind
                   of functions called methods, for which, differently to
                   what happens for usual functions, overloading
                   resolution is delayed at evaluation time and not
                   required to be conservative. The extension consists, at
                   the semantic level, in the definition of an institution
                   LB supporting late binding which is defined on top of
                   the standard subsorted institution of CASL and, at the
                   linguistic level, in the enrichment of the CASL
                   language with appropriate constructs for dealing with
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/DISI-TR-99-14.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, objects},
  year = 2000
  author = {D. Ancona},
  title = {{MIX(FL)}: a kernel language of mixin modules},
  booktitle = {A{MAST} 2000 - {A}lgebraic {M}ethodology and
                   {S}oftware {T}echnology},
  editor = {T. Rus},
  volume = {1816},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {454--468},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We define the language of mixin modules MIX(FL) with
                   the aim of providing foundations for the design of
                   module systems supporting mixins. Several working
                   examples are presented showing the benefits of the use
                   of mixins and overriding in module systems. The
                   language is strongly typed and supports separate
                   compilation. The denotational semantics of the language
                   is based on an algebraic approach and is parametric in
                   the semantics of the underlying core language. Hence,
                   even though the language is defined on top of a
                   specific core language, other kinds of core languages
                   could be considered as well.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/DISI-TR-96-23.ps.gz},
  keywords = {components, semantics},
  year = 2000
  author = {D. Ancona and M. Cerioli and E. Zucca},
  title = {A formal framework with late binding},
  booktitle = {F{ASE}'99 - {F}undamental {A}pproaches to {S}oftware
  editor = {Finance, J.-P.},
  volume = {1577},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {30--44},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We define a specification formalism (formally, an
                   institution) which provides a notion of dynamic type
                   (the type which is associated to a term by a particular
                   evaluation) and late binding (the fact that the
                   function version to be invoked in a function
                   application depends on the dynamic type of one or more
                   arguments). Hence, it constitutes a natural formal
                   framework for modeling object-oriented and other
                   dynamically-typed languages and a basis for adding to
                   them a specification level. In this respect, the main
                   novelty is the capability of writing axioms related to
                   a given type which are not required to hold for
                   subtypes, hence can be ``overridden'' in further
                   refinements, thus lifting at the specification level
                   the possibility of reusing code which is offered by the
                   object-oriented approach. },
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/FASE99.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, objects},
  year = 1999
  author = {D. Ancona},
  title = {An Algebraic Framework for Separate Type-Checking},
  booktitle = {W{ADT}'98 - 13th {W}orkshop on {A}lgebraic
                   {D}evelopment {T}echniques - {S}elected {P}apers},
  editor = {J. Fiadeiro},
  volume = {1589},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {1--15},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We address the problem of defining an algebraic
                   framework for modularization supporting separate
                   type-checking. In order to do that we introduce the
                   notions of abstract type system and logic of
                   constraints and we present a canonical construction of
                   a model part, on top of a logic of constraints. This
                   canonical construction works under reasonable
                   assumptions on the underlying type system (e.g.,
                   soundness of the system). We show that the framework is
                   suitable for defining the static and dynamic semantics
                   of module languages, by giving a concrete example of
                   construction on top of the type system of a simple
                   typed module language. As a result, the subtyping
                   relation between module interfaces is captured in a
                   natural way by the notion of signature morphism. },
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/WADT98.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, types},
  year = 1999
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {A Theory of Mixin Modules: Basic and Derived Operators},
  journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
  volume = 8,
  number = 4,
  pages = {401-446},
  abstract = {Mixins are modules in which some components are
                   deferred, i.e. their definition has to be provided by
                   another module. Moreover, differently from
                   parameterized modules (like ML functors), mixin modules
                   can be mutually dependent and their composition
                   supports redefinition of components (overriding). In
                   this paper, we present a formal model of mixins and
                   their basic composition operators. These operators can
                   be viewed as a kernel language with clean semantics in
                   which to express more complex operators of existing
                   modular languages, including variants of inheritance in
                   object oriented programming. Our formal model is given
                   in an "institution independent" way, i.e. is
                   parameterized by the semantic framework modeling the
                   underlying core language.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/MSCS98.ps.gz},
  keywords = {components, semantics},
  month = aug,
  year = 1998
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {A Theory of Modules with State},
  institution = {Dipartimento di Informatica e Scienze dell'Informazione, Universit\`a di Genova},
  number = {DISI-TR-98-10},
  abstract = {We propose a new way of handling imperative features
                   in the algebraic approach to composition of software
                   modules, meant in its abstract categorical formulation.
                   The basic idea is to consider, instead of a global
                   state, orthogonal to the modular structure, the local
                   state of a module as the collection of those components
                   which have no associated definition but an extension
                   which may vary dynamically. Following this intuition,
                   composition of modules via classical operators like
                   merge, renaming and hiding involves composition of the
                   corresponding states, allowing one to give a truly
                   compositional semantics of module languages. Thanks to
                   the abstract categorical formulation, we are able to
                   define a canonical construction of a framework for
                   modules with state starting from a framework with no
                   imperative features. This provides the theoretical
                   basis for designing languages of modules with state in
                   a way independent of the underlying core language.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/DISI-TR-98-10.ps.gz},
  keywords = {components, semantics},
  year = 1998
  author = {D.~Ancona},
  title = {Modular Formal Frameworks for Module Systems},
  school = {Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit\`a di Pisa},
  abstract = {In this thesis we present two formal frameworks for
                   modeling modular languages. Following a modular
                   approach, we separate the module and the core level of
                   a modular language. On the linguistic side, this
                   corresponds to define a kernel module language
                   parametric in the underlying core language. On the
                   semantic side, this corresponds to build a model part
                   (in the sense of institutions), on top of a standard
                   module framework. The standard module framework is a
                   model part, too, satisfying some additional properties
                   and intended as the formal counterpart of the core
                   language. The first formal framework we propose deals
                   with the notion of state, an essential component of
                   modules in imperative languages. The second one is
                   concerned with a notion of module, called mixin, which
                   includes those of generic module and abstract class. In
                   both cases, we present two canonical constructions
                   yielding a formal framework where models denote modules
                   with state and mixins, respectively, and we define a
                   set of primitive operations over them. },
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/PhDthesis.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, components, objects},
  number = {TD-1/98},
  year = 1998
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {An Algebra of Mixin Modules},
  booktitle = {W{ADT}'97 - 12th {W}orkshop on {A}lgebraic
                   {D}evelopment {T}echniques - {S}elected {P}apers},
  editor = {Parisi-Presicce, F.},
  volume = {1376},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {92--106},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {Mixins are modules which may contain deferred
                   components, i.e. components not defined in the module
                   itself, and allow definitions to be overridden. We give
                   an axiomatic definition of a set of operations for
                   mixin combination, corresponding to a variety of
                   constructs existing in programming languages (merge,
                   hiding, overriding, functional composition, ...). In
                   particular, we show that they can all be expressed in
                   terms of three primitive operations (namely, sum,
                   reduct and freeze), which are characterized by a small
                   set of axioms. We show that the given axiomatization is
                   sound w.r.t. to a model provided in some preceding
                   work. Finally, we prove the existence of anormal form
                   for mixin expressions.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/WADT97.ps.gz},
  keywords = {components, semantics},
  year = 1998
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {Overriding Operators in a Mixin-Based Framework},
  booktitle = {P{LILP} '97 - 9th {I}ntl. {S}ymp. on {P}rogramming
                   {L}anguages, {I}mplementations, {L}ogics, and
  editor = {H.~Glaser and P.~Hartel and H.~Kuchen},
  volume = {1292},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {47--61},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We show that many different overriding operators
                   present in programming languages can be expressed,
                   adopting a mixin-based framework, in terms of three
                   basic operators. In particular we propose two
                   orthogonal classifications: strong (the overridden
                   definition is canceled) or weak (the overridden
                   definition still remains significant, as in Smalltalk's
                   super feature), and preferential (priority to one of
                   the two arguments) or general. We formalize the
                   relation between all these versions. Our analysis and
                   results are not bound to a particular language, since
                   they are formulated within an algebraic framework for
                   mixin modules which can be instantiated over different
                   core languages.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/PLILP97.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, objects, components},
  year = 1997
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {An Algebraic Approach to Mixins and Modularity},
  booktitle = {A{LP} '96 - 5th {I}ntl. {C}onf. on {A}lgebraic and
                   {L}ogic {P}rogramming},
  editor = {Hanus, M. and Rodr\'{\i}guez-Artalejo, M.},
  volume = {1139},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {179--193},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We present an algebraic formalization of the notion of
                   mixin module, i.e. a module where the definition of
                   some components is deferred. Moreover, we define a set
                   of basic operators for composing mixin modules,
                   intended to be a kernel language with clean semantics
                   in which to express more complex operators of existing
                   modular languages, including variants of inheritance in
                   object oriented programming. The semantics of the
                   operators is given in an institution independent way,
                   i.e. is parameterized on the semantic framework
                   modeling features of the underlying core language.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/ALP96.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, components},
  year = 1996
  author = {D.~Ancona and E.~Zucca},
  title = {A Formal Framework for Modules with State},
  booktitle = {A{MAST} '96 - {A}lgebraic {M}ethodology and {S}oftware
  editor = {M. Wirsing and M. Nivat},
  volume = {1101},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages = {148--162},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  abstract = {We present a module algebra interpreted in the model
                   of dynamic data-types. A data-type with state, or
                   dynamic data type, is a data type in which the
                   interpretation of operation symbols is depending on the
                   internal state, which may change during the time. We
                   formalize the above notion by a new mathematical
                   structure, called object structure. From the point of
                   view of programming languages, an object structure is
                   the overall semantic value (the denotation) of a
                   software module in an imperative context: Ada packages,
                   Modula-2 modules and objects of object based languages
                   can be thought as syntactic counterparts of object
                   structures. Thus a first result of our approach is an
                   abstract and natural definition of the semantic value
                   of a whole module. A further result that we want to
                   achieve is this semantics to be truly compositional,
                   i.e. operations of composing modules to be interpreted
                   as operations of object structures at the semantic
                   level. We illustrate that by giving syntax and
                   semantics of a module language which is parametric in
                   the concrete syntax used for defining methods and
                   components of the state. The introduction of state
                   makes necessary to review the semantics of classical
                   operators as given in a standard algebraic setting. In
                   particular, we introduce a distinction between the
                   visible and the internal signature of an object
                   structure, which is essential for defining a reduct
                   operation, hence for modelling export/hiding operators.
                   Composition of visible signatures must be propagated to
                   internal signatures in order to keep unchanged hidden
                   components modulo renaming; this corresponds to
                   consider co-products of particular diagrams in the
                   category of signatures.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/AMAST96.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, components},
  year = 1996
  author = {D. Ancona and E. Astesiano and E. Zucca},
  title = {Towards a Classification of Inheritance Relations},
  booktitle = {Proc. {ISCORE} '93 ({I}nternational {W}orkshop on
                   {I}nformation {S}ystems - {C}orrectness and
  editor = {U.W. Lipeck and G. Koschorreck},
  number = {01/93},
  series = {Informatik-Berichte},
  pages = {90--113},
  publisher = {Universitaet Hannover},
  abstract = {We address the problem of providing a rigorous formal
                   model for classes of objects and the variety of
                   inheritance relations. Classes are modelled by a new
                   structure, called d-oid, which corresponds to see
                   objects as data with state. The approach we take is a
                   rather abstract one and so we model representation
                   independent configurations of an object system by
                   algebras, object identities by so called tracking map,
                   and method calls as transformations of algebras. Seeing
                   classes as d-oids allows us to define a hierarchy of
                   inheritance relations, modelled by relations between
                   d-oids and corresponding to different liberty levels in
                   redefining methods. The classification we present
                   distinguish essentially three levels of inheritance:
                   minimal, regular and conservative.},
  ftp = {ftp://ftp.disi.unige.it/pub/person/AnconaD/IWIS93.ps.gz},
  keywords = {semantics, objects},
  year = 1993

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