PC-NOW99 Workshop on Personal Computers based Networks Of Workstations

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Sep. 21, 1998
Title and Abstract of contributed papers to be sent to the Workshop co-Chair (email)
Sep. 30, 1998
Contributed Papers submission deadline (email)
Oct. 31, 1998
Reviews due back from Anonymous Referees to Workshop co-Chair (email)
Nov. 9, 1998
Reviews forwarded to Authors by the Workshop co-Chair (email)
Nov. 16, 1998
Authors may reply to the Anonymous Referees' comments (email)
Nov. 30--Dec. 12, 1998
Program committee meeting
Dec. 14, 1998
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection to the Authors
Jan. 11, 1999
Camera-ready due for Proceedings production
April 12/16, 1998
Workshop in San Juan, Puerto Rico

chiola@disi.unige.it, June 10, 1998