PC-NOW 2000: International Workshop on Personal Computer based Networks Of Workstations

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in conjunction with IPDPS 2000
Cancun, Mexico
May 5, 2000
sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)
URL: http://www.dgs.monash.edu.au/~rajkumar/tfcc/ (Australia) or http://www.dcs.port.ac.uk/~mab/tfcc/ (UK)

The identification of a high-quality scientific program is the primary objective of the PC-NOW workshop. Special care will be devoted to implement a fair and rigorous selection of submitted papers based on technical merit, significance of contribution, practical applicability of the results, and innovation.

Proceedings will be published by the IPDPS organization both in paper (in the Springer-Verlag LNCS series) and in CD-ROM forms, and will be available at the workshop.

Extended versions of papers identified by the program committee as particularly interesting, innovative, and well written, will be recommended for inclusion in a special issue of an archival journal.

Previous editions

chiola@disi.unige.it, Jan. 22, 2000