Short Bio
Leila De Floriani is currently a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Genova in Italy, where she founded the Geometry and Computer Graphics group, an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland at College Park and a visiting professor at UMIACS. She has been the Director of the PhD Program in Computer Science at the University of Genova for eight years. She has written over 280 publications in the fields of computer graphics, visualization, geometric modeling, shape and image analysis, and geographic data processing, which have appeared in major international journals and conferences. The main focus of her current research is in geometric modeling for scientific visualization, terrain modeling and computer graphics, and in topological data analysis.
Leila De Floriani is the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. She is an Associate Editor of Graphical Models and of the ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, and a member of the editorial board of GeoInformatica. She served on more then 150 program committees of the major international conferences in the areas of geometric and shape modeling, computer graphics, visualization, and geographic data processing. She has been the principal investigator in several projects funded by the European Community, by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education and by the US National Science Foundation. She is an IEEE Fellow, a Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), a Member of the ACM and of the Eurographics Association.
Publications (link to Umiacs webpage)