Here, the term feature denotes some value associated with the vertices or with the tiles of an MT. A tile or vertex feature in an MT may (but does not necessarily need to) be stored in an attribute table. Alternatively, it may be computed on-the-fly each time it is accessed (e.g., the normal vector to a triangle may be computed on-line from the triangle geometry).

Suggested guidelines

  1. Define the interface of each feature, i.e., the functions that allow accessing the feature, and that every MT having such feature must implement.

    Examples: functions that return the approximation error of a tile, the area of a tile.

    Such interface will be contained in an abstract class, that we call WithYYYClass, where YYY is the name of the feature. All specialized MTs with feature YYY will be subclasses of MT_MultiTesselationClass and of WithYYYClass.

  2. For each feature, decide whether the feature must be stored, or computed on-line each time it is accessed.

    Examples: the approximation error of a tile is stored explicitly, the area of a tile is computed on-line.

  3. Implement each feature which must be stored by using an attribute table of the suitable type (i.e., a suitable subclass of MT_AttrTableClass).

    Example: the approximation errors of tiles are stored in a float attribute table (class MT_FloatTableClass).

    This will give a subclass of WithYYYClass, that we call WithYYYTableClass. All specialized MTs with feature YYY stored in an attribute table will be subclasses of MT_MultiTesselationClass and (indirectly, by the way of class WithYYYTableClass) of WithYYYClass.

  4. Define a class for the MT with all desired features by deriving from the MT and, for each feature YYY: For each feature falling in the first case, implement the functions for accessing the feature, inherited from the abstract class WithYYYClass.

    Example: implement the function that computes and returns the area of a tile.

An example

We define an MT representing a k-dimensional scalar field. The features to be provided are: We decide to store the approximation errors explicitly. For field values, we decide to represent a k-dimensional scalar field as its graph: a k-dimensional MT embedded in k+1 dimensions, where the last coordinate is the field value. With this convention, the vertex field is simply the last coordinate of each vertex. Thus, it does not need to be stored separately.

We define the abstract interface for both tile errors and vertex fields, called WithTileErrorClass and WithFieldClass, respectively:

typedef class WithTileErrorClass * WithTileError;

class WithTileErrorClass

  /*  Return the error associated with a tile t.  */
  virtual float TileError(MT_INDEX t) = 0;
typedef class WithFieldClass * WithField;

class WithFieldClass
  /*  Return the field value at a vertex v.  */
  virtual float VertexField(MT_INDEX v) = 0;

For tile errors only, we define a class that implements the abstract interface by storing error values into a float attribute table. Such class, called WithTileErrorTableClass, contains a pointer to an object of class MT_FloatTableClass. It also implements other functions related to reading and writing tile errors; such functions are implemented by means of the internal float attribute table.

class WithTileErrorTableClass : public WithTileErrorClass
  /*  Auxiliary attribute table used to store tile errors.  */
  MT_FloatTable my_error;

  /*  Creator and destructor.  */
  {  my_error = new MT_FloatTableClass();  }   
  {  if (my_error) delete my_error; my_error = NULL;  }

  /*  Function redefined from superclass WithTileErrorClass.  */
  float TileError(MT_INDEX t) {  return my_error->MT_AttrValue(t);  }

  /*  Read / write the tile errors.  */
  int ReadTileErrors(FILE * fd) {  return ( my_error->MT_Read(fd) );  }
  void WriteTileErrors(FILE * fd, int file_encoding = MT_ASCII_ENCODING)
  {  my_error->MT_Write(fd, file_encoding);  }       

  /*  Set and return the textual description used in the tile error file.
      String s is at most MT_DESCR_LEN characters.  */
  void SetTileErrorDescription(char * s)
  {  my_error->MT_SetDescription(s);  }              
  void TheTileErrorDescription(char * s)
  {  my_error->MT_TheDescription(s);  }


  MT_FloatTable TheTileErrorTable(void)  {  return my_error;  }

  friend class TileErrorBuildingInterfaceClass;
We define the class for our MT with tile errors and vertex fields. This is a subclass of MT_MultiTesselationClass, of WithTileErrorTableClass, and of WithVertexFieldClass. The function for accessing the vertex field is implemented directly here.
typedef class FieldWithErrorClass * FieldWithError;

class FieldWithErrorClass : public MT_MultiTesselationClass,
                            public WithTileErrorTableClass,
                            public WithFieldClass

  /*  Return the field value for a vertex v. We assume that the MT
      is given in the space containing the graph of the field,
      thus the field value is the last coordinate of each vertex.  */
  float Field(MT_INDEX v) {  return MT_VertexCoord(v, MT_VertexDim()-1);  }

  /*  Constructor.  */
  FieldWithErrorClass(int vert_dim, int tile_dim)
  :      MT_MultiTesselationClass(vert_dim, tile_dim),
  { }
An MT of class FieldWithErrorClass will be read from two different files, one containing the MT, and the other one containing the tile errors, by using function MT_Read of class MT_MultiTesselationClass, and function ReadTileErrors of class WithTileErrorTableClass, respectively. A similar remark holds for writing.

An MT of class FieldWithErrorClass will allow the use of extraction conditions that refer to functions TileError and Field in their evaluation.