Basic File format
Established by class MT_PersistentClass.
'class keyword' 'class parameters'
MT-OBJECT 'object parameters'
MT-ENCODE 'format'
'object data'
- class keyword = usually, the name of the class.
- class parameters = parameters for the class constructor, used to
decide whether the object contained in the file matches with the
object that is reading itself from the file.
- object parameters = parameters (e.g., sizes) used to allocate the
internal structures of the object.
- description = any text, not longer than MT_DESCR_LEN.
- format = format in which object data are written (BINARY or ASCII).
- object data = data used to fill the internal structures of the object.
Instantiation of the File Format
class MT_TileSetClass
- class keyword = MT_TileSet
- class parameters = '#vertex coord' '#tile vertices'
- object parameters = '#vertices' '#tiles'
- object data = list of all vertices as tuples of reals,
list of all tiles as tuples of vertex indexes
(where index 1 is the first vertex in the vertex list)
class MT_MultiTesselationClass
- class keyword = MT_MultiTesselation
- class parameters = '#vertex coord' '#tile vertices'
- object parameters = '#vertices' '#tiles' '#nodes' '#arcs'
- object data = list of vertices and tiles as for
list of all arcs as a pair 'source' 'destination' plus
a list of tiles labelling the arc.