PhD positions in Genova at DIBRIS

The call for some funded positions for  the 3 years PhD studies  at the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering (DIBRIS) in Genova is available at this link (Italian version link here). The deadline for application is June13rd, 2017 and the PhD courses and fellowships should start on Nov 2017.

The research activity of my research group is focused on Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Positive Technology as described at

The research themes proposed by me and Prof. Stefano Rovetta are:

If you are interested to work under my supervision, you can also propose a different research theme belonging to the research activity of my group.

I'm looking for PhD candidates self-motivated, interested to the mathematical aspects of their research and to the development of new algorithms for intelligent data analysis, and skilled in programming  and  in  thorough experimental data analysis. They will be part of my research group and will collaborate to our research projects and publications.

Italian and international students interested to work under my supervision  are invited  to send their cv  and the name/email-addresses of 3 referees to my email address A.S.A.P.

                                               Prof. Francesco Masulli
                                                DIBRIS - Univ. Genova

Last modified Apr 17th, 2017