" MIE - Intelligent Sustainable Mobility" (2014-2018)


The International Energy Agency estimates that 22% of all CO2 emissions are generated by the transport sector, of which 73% is generated by road transport. In Europe, road transport accounts for 93% of total CO2 emissions related to transport and just over 19% of total methane gas emissions used in homes. The MIE project - Intelligent eco-sustainable mobility aims to define hardware / software methodologies, indicators and mobility management policies aimed at minimizing environmental impact and improving the service provided to users (travel time and optimization of consumption required to carry out the movements). The project aims to develop a mobility management model, through a monitoring and control system that uses innovative technologies (low energy consumption wireless sensors, smartphone applications, smart traffic lights, control gates, computerized access to optimize the traffic management of people and goods in ordinary traffic situations or in extraordinary situations) and a decision support system to support policies for smart mobility, with models on historical data or data in real time. The project is supported by the following partners: Leonardo Company, Intecs, STMicroelectronics, IVECO, Meridionale Impianti, Telecom Italia, Polytechnic of Turin, Polytechnic of Milan, University of Genoa, National Research Council, EICAS Automation, Negentis, Hyla Soft, Aitek, BMS Impianti, MI Welding Technology. The Politecnico di Milano collaborates in the initiative. The project, launched in January 2014, will end in September 2018. 2012 - 2015