Marina Ribaudo
Teaching activities
I have been and I am still teaching courses related to Web technologies, network protocols, social networks and P2P Systems.
Starting from the academic year 2004/2005 details on the courses and the teaching material are available
on the Moodle-based software platform AulaWeb.
The program of my courses, lectures and exams schedules are available on "DIDA",
the Web site of the Computer Science degree.
- Undergraduate course
- Protocols and Computer Networks (7 CFU)
Introductory course on protocols and computer networks, activated for the first time in the academic year 2010/2011
for the Laurea Triennale in Computer Science.
The program of the course covers all the levels of the Internet protocol stack, following the "top-down" approach
suggested in Computer Networking the Kurose-Ross book.
All the details will be available on AulaWeb.
- Web Application Development (6 CFU)
Course on Web technologies: at the end of the course students will be able to design and develop dynamic websites
interacting with remote databases. The following technologies are introduced: HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP,
MySQL, Ajax. Basic notions on Web accessibility, usability, and vulnerability are also provided.
All the details will be available on AulaWeb.
- Computer literacy (2+1 CFU, with Prof. Maura Cerioli and Prof. Gianni Vercelli)
The course is offered to students attending health professions degrees. It covers computer science topics such
as information representation, operating systems, Internet and network protocols, e-Health,... at a very
introductory level. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are also presented.
The course is offered entirely online, using AulaWeb.
- Graduate courses
- Social and Peer-to-Peer Networks (9 CFU, with Prof. G. Chiola)
Social networks analysis (random graphs, small world, scale-free networks, ...), ranking algorithms (PageRank, HITS),
overlay networks for P2P systems, routing, fault tolerance, anonymity, ... are only some of the keywords related to
this course which will be activated for the first time in the academic year 2011/2012 for the Laurea Magistrale in
Computer Science.
Research papers will be suggested as course material in addition to the recently published books
Networks: an
introduction by Mark Newman and Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg.
All the details will be available on AulaWeb.
- Post-laurea courses
- Media and Education Tecnologies Lab (3 CFU)
A short course on the use of technologies (in particular, Moodle) for education, offered to the students of TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo)
(for more information see AulaWeb).
- Courses before 2011/2012
follow the link for a list of my previous courses
- Text book: Introduzione all'Informatica (Quarta edizione).
L. Console, M. Ribaudo, U. Avalle, F. Carmagnola, F. Cena. UTET Università. ISBN: 8860082986/ISBN-13: 9788860082985.
Research interests
Web technologies in general, with an emphasis on services for citizens and students.
Keywords: accessibility, e-learning,
open data, network applications and services.
Study of methodologies and techniques for modelling complex systems (e.g. parallel and distributed architectures,
network protocols, ...) and deriving their functional and temporal properties.
Keywords: formal methods, stochastic process algebras, stochastic Petri nets,
diagnosis and performance modelling
Institutional activities
Starting from December 2004 I have been a member of the working group responsible for the introduction
of ICT technologies in education, following a blended-learning approach. The major goal of this working
group has been the selection of a Learning Management System to be offered at the University level
to all Faculties and Students. We have selected the famous open source software
Moodle, and deployed the e-learning platform
From February 2009 I am coordinating this working group.
Web technologies
I am responsible of the technical development of "DIDA", the Web
site of the degree in Computer Science which has been adopted by other degree courses within the Faculty of
Science. I have also been responsible of the Web site of the entire School of
Science. Both Web sites are based on the famous open source sofwtare Joomla!