Marina Ribaudo

Associate professor in Computer Science
DIBRIS, Sede di Valle Puggia
Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi
Via Dodecaneso, 35
16146 Genova - ITALY
Phone: +39 (010) 3536631
Fax: +39 (010) 3536699
Email address:

- Teaching activities
- Research interests
- Institutional activities

Teaching activities

I have been and I am still teaching courses related to Web technologies, network protocols, social networks and P2P Systems.

Starting from the academic year 2004/2005 details on the courses and the teaching material are available on the Moodle-based software platform AulaWeb.

The program of my courses, lectures and exams schedules are available on "DIDA", the Web site of the Computer Science degree.

Research interests

Web technologies in general, with an emphasis on services for citizens and students.
Keywords: accessibility, e-learning, open data, network applications and services.

Study of methodologies and techniques for modelling complex systems (e.g. parallel and distributed architectures, network protocols, ...) and deriving their functional and temporal properties.
Keywords: formal methods, stochastic process algebras, stochastic Petri nets, diagnosis and performance modelling

Institutional activities

Starting from December 2004 I have been a member of the working group responsible for the introduction of ICT technologies in education, following a blended-learning approach. The major goal of this working group has been the selection of a Learning Management System to be offered at the University level to all Faculties and Students. We have selected the famous open source software Moodle, and deployed the e-learning platform AulaWeb.
From February 2009 I am coordinating this working group.

Web technologies
I am responsible of the technical development of "DIDA", the Web site of the degree in Computer Science which has been adopted by other degree courses within the Faculty of Science. I have also been responsible of the Web site of the entire School of Science. Both Web sites are based on the famous open source sofwtare Joomla!