Book Chapters
International Conferences
National Conferences
B. Catania. Towards Effective Solutions for Pattern Management. Int. Journal of Computer Science & Applications, 5(3):36-45, 2008.
M. Terrovitis, P. Vassiliadis, S. Skiadopoulos, E. Bertino, B. Catania, A. Maddalena, S. Rizzi.
Modeling and Language Support for the Management of Pattern-Bases, 62(2): 368-397. 2007. Data & Knowledge Engineering.
M.L. Damiani, E. Bertino, B. Catania, P. Perlasca. GEO-RBAC: A Spatially Aware RBAC. ACM Trans. on Information and System Security, 10(1). 2007
Barbara Catania, Anna Maddalena, Athena Vakali: XML Document Indexes: A Classification. IEEE Internet Computing 9(5): 64-71 (2005)
Athena Vakali, Barbara Catania, Anna Maddalena: XML Data Stores: Emerging Practices. IEEE Internet Computing 9(2): 62-69 (2005)
S. Bressan, B. Catania, Z. Lacroix, Y.G. Li, and A. Maddalena
Accelerating Queries by Pruning XML Documents.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, North Holland, 54(2): 211-240 (2005)
M. Mesiti, B. Catania, G. Guerrini, and Akmal B. Chaudhri.
EDBT04 Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web. SIGMOD Record 33(2): 132-134 (2004).
E. Bertino, B. Catania, E. Ferrari and P. Perlasca.
A Logical Framework for Reasoning about Access Control Models.
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 6(1): 71-127, 2003.
E. Bertino, B. Catania and P. Perlasca.
Introducing Dynamic Behavior in Amalgamated Knowledge Bases.
Theory and Practice
of Logic Programming, 3(6): 625-669. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge,UK, 2003.
B. Catania and E. Bertino.
Static Analysis of Logical Languages with Deferred Update Semantics.
IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering, 15(2):386-404, March-April 2003.
A. Belussi, E. Bertino, and B. Catania.
Using Spatial Data Access Structures
for Filtering Nearest Neighbor Queries. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 40(1):1-31. North Holland, 2002.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
Integrating XML and Databases.
IEEE Internet Computing, July- August 2001.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and E. Ferrari.
A Nested Transaction Model for Multilevel Database Management
Systems. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 4(4):321-370. ACM Press, 2001.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and R. Gori. Enhancing the Expressive Power
of the U-Datalog Language. Theory and Practice
of Logic Programming, 1(1):105-122 Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge,UK, 2001.
E. Bertino, B. Catania and G.P. Zarri. A Conceptual Annotation
Approach to Indexing in a Web-Based Information System.
Economic Research and Electronic Networking Journal (NETNOMICS),
2(3):247-264, 2000. Baltzer Science Publishers, The Netherlands.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and A. Filippone.
An Index Allocation Tool for Object-Oriented Database Systems.
Software: Practice & Experience, 30(9):973-1002, 2000. John Wiley,
New York.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, V. Gervasi, and A. Raffaeta'.
A Logical Approach to Cooperative Information Systems.
Journal of Logic Programming, 43(1): 15-48, 2000. Elsevier Science
Publishers, Amsterdam.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and L. Wong.
Finitely Representable Nested Transaction .
Information Processing Letters, 70(4):165--173, 1999. Elsevier Science-North Holland,
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and L. Chiesa.
Definition and Analysis of Index Organizations for Object-Oriented
Information Systems, 23(5): 65--108, 1998. Pergamon Press, New York.
A. Belussi, E. Bertino, and B. Catania.
An Extended Algebra for Constraint Databases.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 10(5), September/October 1998. IEEE
Computer Society
Press, Los Alamitos, California.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and B. Shidlovsky.
Towards Two-Dimensional Indexing for Constraint Databases.
Information Processing Letters, 64(1):1--8, 1998. Elsevier Science-North Holland,
G. Guerrini, E. Bertino, B. Catania, and J. Garcia-Molina.
A Formal Model of Views for Object-Oriented Database Systems.
Theory and Practice
of Object Systems, 3(3): 157-183,
John Wiley, New York.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
A Constraint-based Approach to Shape Management in Multimedia Databases.
ACM Multimedia Journal, 6(1):2--16, 1998. ACM Press-Springer, Berlin.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
Constraints and Optimization in Database Systems: a Survey and Research Issues.
International Journal of Information Technology, 1(2):111-143, 1995. World Scientific.
B. Catania.
Bottom-up rewriting Methods for Datalog and Extensions: a Survey. (Part
Ingenierie des systemes d'information, 4(3):287-331, 1996. Afcet, Paris.
B. Catania.
Bottom-up rewriting Methods for Datalog and Extensions: a Survey. (Part I).
Ingenierie des systemes d'information, 3(6):637-676, 1995. Afcet, Paris.
V. De Antonellis, S. Castano, B. Catania, G. Guerrini. SEBD'09: Proceedings of the 17th Symp. on Advanced Database Systems, June 2009. Seneca Edizioni, Torino, Italy.
A. Belussi, B. Catania, E. Clementini, and E. Ferrari (editors). Spatial Data on the Web – Modeling and Management. 2007. Springer.
B. Catania, E. Ferrari, G. Guerrini. Sistemi di Gestione Dati - Concetti e Architetture. Citta'StudiEdizioni,UTET Universita', De Agostini (ITALY). Second Edition, 2006.
A. Belussi, B. Catania, E. Clementini, E. Ferrari, editors. Spatial Data on the Web – Modeling and Management, 2007. Springer.
B. Catania, and S. Bressan.
Introduction to Database Systems,
McGraw-Hill Education, Singapore, 2005.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and G.P. Zarri.
Intelligent Database Systems: a Synopsis.
Addison Wesley, New York, 2001.
Elisa Bertino, Beng Chin Ooi, Ron Sacks-Davis, Justin Zobel, Kian Lee Tan,
Boris Shidlovsky, and Barbara Catania.
Indexing Techniques for Advanced Database Systems.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston Dordrecht London, 1997.
Book Chapters
B. Catania, G. Guerrini. Towards Adaptively Approximated Search in Distributed Architectures. In A. Vakali and L. Jain, editors, Web Data Management Trails. Springer, Germany. To appear.
P. Podesta', B. Catania, A. Belussi. Using Qualitative Information in Query Processing over Multi-resolution Maps. In: A. Belussi, B. Catania, E. Clementini, E. Ferrari, editors, Spatial Data on the Web – Modeling and Management. Springer (Germany), 2007.
A. Maddalena, B. Catania. Modeling and Managing Heterogeneous Patterns: the PSYCHO Experience. In F. Masseglia, P. Poncelet, M. Teisseire, editors,
Successes and New Directions in Data Mining. Idea Group Publishing. Inc. (USA). In press.
B. Catania and A. Maddalena. Pattern Management: Practice and Challenges. In
Jerome Darmont and Omar Boussaid, editors, Processing and Managing Complex Data for
Decision Support, Idea Group Publishing, 2006.
B. Catania and E. Ferrari.
Web Retrieval of XML Documents: Practice and Challenges.
In A. Dahanayake and W. Gerhardt, editors, Web-enabled Systems Integration, pages 170-199, Idea Group Publishing, 2003.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and E. Ferrari.
Multimedia IR: Data Models and Languages.
In R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto, editors, Modern Information Retrieval, pag. 325-244,
Addison Wesley-ACM Press, New York, 1999.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and A. Vinai.
Transaction Modeling and Architectures.
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 38(23):361--400, 1998.
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, V. Gervasi, and A. Raffaeta'.
Active-U-Datalog: Integrating Active Rules in a Logical
Update Language.
In H. Decker, B. Freitag, M. Kifer, A. Voronkov, editors, LNCS 1472:
Transactions and Change in Logic Databases, Springer Verlag, 1998.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and E. Ferrari.
Research Issues in Multimedia Query Processing.
In P.M.G. Apers, H.M. Blanken, M.A.W. Houtsma, editors,
Multimedia Databases in Perspective, pages 181-217,
Springer-Verlag, Berlino Heidelberg New York.
International Conferences
A. Maddalena, B. Catania. Towards an Interoperable Solution for Pattern Management. In Proc. of the 3rd Int.Workshop on Database Interoperability (InterDb'07 associated with VLDB'07). Vienna, Austria, September 2007.
B. Catania, A. Maddalena. Flexible Pattern Management within PSYCHO. Int. Workshop on Pattern Representation and Management (Parma'06 associated with EDBT'06). March 2006.
A. Belussi, O. Boucelma, B. Catania, Y. Lassoued, P. Podesta. Towards Similarity-based Topological Query Languages. 11th International Workshop on Foundations of Models (QLQP'06 associated with EDBT'06). March 2006.
B. Catania, A. Maddalena, M. Mazza. PSYCHO: A Prototype System for Pattern Management. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 1346-1349, 2005. Demo Paper.
B. Catania, B.C. Ooi, W. Wang, X. Wang. Lazy XML Updates: Laziness as a Virtue of Update and Structural Join Efficiency. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, pages 515-526, 2005.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, M. L. Damiani, P. Perlasca. GEO-RBAC: a spatially aware RBAC. In Proc. of SACMAT, pages 29-37, 2005.
A. Belussi, B. Catania, P. Podestà. Towards topological consistency and similarity of multiresolution geographical maps. In Proc. of ACM GIS, pages 220-229, 2005.
A. Belussi, E. Bertino, B. Catania, M.L. Damiani, A. Nucita.
An Authorization Model for Geographical Maps.
In Proc. of the 12th Int. Symp ACM GIS, pages 82-91, November 2004.
B. Catania, A. Maddalena, M. Mazza, E. Bertino, S. Rizzi.
A Framework for Data Mining Pattern Management. In Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2004), pages 87-98, September 2004.
B. Catania e A. Maddalena.
A Framework for Cluster Management.
In Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Clustering Information over the Web,
Creta, Grecia, March 2004. Also in LNCS 3268:
EDBT Workshops 2004, pages 568-577.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, e A. Maddalena. Towards a Language for Pattern Manipulation and Querying.
In Proc. of From Data to Patterns: Int’l Workshop on
Pattern Representation and Management
(PaRMa’04), Creta, Grecia, March 2004.
M. Terrovitis, P. Vassiliadis, S. Skiadopoulos, E. Bertino,
B. Catania, e Anna Maddalena.
Modeling and Language Support for the Management of Pattern-Bases.
In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Statistical and Scientific Database Management, Santorini, Grecia, June 2004.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and W.Q. Wang.
XJoin Index: Indexing XML Data for Efficient Handling of Branching Path Expressions.
In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, page 828, 2004. Poster paper.
A. Belussi, B. Catania, E. Bertino.
A Reference Framework for Integrating Layered Representations of Geographical Maps
In Proc. of the 11th Int. Symp ACM GIS, pages 33-40, November 2003.
S. Rizzi, E. Bertino, B. Catania, et al.
Towards a Logical Model for Patterns.
In Proc. of the Inf. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER'03), October 2003.
A. Belussi, E. Bertino, and B. Catania.
GELIS: a System for Layered and Incomplete Representation of Geographical Data.
In Proc. of the Workshop on Spatial Data and Geographic Information Systems, March 2003.
X. Pang, B. Catania, and K.-L. Tan: Securing Your Data in Agent-Based P2P Systems. In
Prof. of the Eighth Int. Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
pages 55-64, 2003.
B. Catania and Zoe Lacroix.
Querying Design Data in a Constraint Database.
In Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, Tempe, Arizona, November 2002.
B. Catania and A. Maddalena. A Clustering Approach for XML Linked Documents.
In Proc. of DEXA Workshop on Web Semantics, September 2002.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, E. Ferrari, and P. Perlasca.
A System to Specify and Manage Multipolicy Access Control Models.
In Proc. of IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, June 2002.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, E. Ferrari, and P. Perlasca.
A Logical Framework for Reasoning about Access Control
Models. In Proc. of the 6th ACM Symp. on Access
Control Models and Technologies, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A, May
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and P. Perlasca.
Introducing Cooperation and Actions in Amalgamated Knowledge
Bases. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference
on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, pages 108-115, Hong Kong, April
B. Catania, E. Ferrari, A. Levy, A.O. Mendelzon.
The First ECOOP Workshop on XML and Object Technlogy.
In J. Malenfant and S. Moisan, editors, ECOOP'00 Workshop Reader, 2000.
B. Armani, E. Bertino, B. Catania, D. Laradi, B. Marin, G.P. Zarri.
Repository Management in an Intelligent Indexing Approach
for Multimedia Digital Libraries. In Proc. of the
12th Int. Symp. on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS)}, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 2000.
J. McNaught, W.J. Black, F. Rinaldi, E. Bertino, A. Brasher, D.
Deavin, B.Catania, et all. Integrated Document and Knowledge
Management for the Knowledge-based Enterprise. In Proc. of
the Third International Conference and Exhibition on. The
Practical Application of Knowledge Management (PAKEM 2000),
Manchester, UK, April 2000.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and E. Caglio.
Applying Data Mining Techniques to Wafer Manufacturing.
In J. M. Zytkow and J. Rauch, editors,
LNCS 1704: Proc. of the 3th European Conf. on
Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in
Databases, Prague, Czech Republic, pages 41-50, September 1999.
E. Bertino, B. Black, A. Brasher, V. Candela, B. Catania, D. Deavin, L. Di Pace, F.
Esposito, P. Leo, J. McNaught, A. Persidis, F. Rinaldi, G. Semeraro, and G.P. Zarri.
CONCERTO, Conceptual Indexing Querying and Retrieval of Digital Documents.
In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pages 1106--1109,
Florence, Italy, June
G.P. Zarri, E. Bertino, B. Black, A. Brasher, B. Catania, D. Deavin, L. Di Pace, F.
Esposito, P. Leo, J. McNaught, A. Persidis, F. Rinaldi, and G. Semeraro.
CONCERTO, An Environment for the "Intelligent" Indexing, Querying and Retrieval of
Digital Documents.
In LNAI 1609: Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Proc. of the 11th Int. Symp.
ISMIS'99, pages 226--234, Warsaw, Poland, June 1999.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, G.P. Zarri.
A Conceptual Annotation Approach to Indexing in a Web-Based Information System.
In Proc. of the Int. Workshop onAdvanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based
Information Systems, Santa Clara, California, April 1999.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and B. Shidlovsky.
Approximation Techniques for Indexing Two-Dimensional Constraint Databases.
In Proc. of the Sixth Int. Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
pages 213--220, Hsinchu, Taiwan,, April 1999.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and B. Shidlovsky.
Indexing Techniques for Constraint Databases based on a Dual Data Representation.
In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Data Engineering,
pages 618--627, Sydney, Australia,, March 1999.
B. Catania, A. Belussi, and E. Bertino.
Integrating External Functions in Constraint Query Languages.
In LNCS 1520: Proc of the Fourth Int. Conf. on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming, pages 132-146, Pisa, Italy, October 1998.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and B. Shidlovsky.
Towards Optimal Indexing for Segment Databases.
In LNCS 1377: Proc. of the Sixth Int. Conf. on Extended
Database Technology,
pages 39-53, Valencia, Spain, March 1998.
E. Bertino, E. Belussi, and B. Catania.
Manipulating Spatial Data in Constraint Databases.
In LNCS 1262: Proc. of the Fifth Int.
Symp. on Spatial Databases, pages 115-140, Berlin, Germany, July 1997.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and S. Bressan.
Integrity Constraint Checking in Chimera.
In LNCS 1191: Proc. of the Second Int.
Workshop on Constraint Databases
and Their Applications, pages 160-186,
Delphi, Greece, January 1997.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, E. Ferrari, and A. Trombetta.
Presentation Constraints for Multimedia Data.
In Proc. of the Second Int. Workshop on Multimedia
Information Systems, West Point, New York,
September 1996.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
Static Analysis of Intensional Databases in U-Datalog.
In Proc. of the Int. ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Montreal, Canada, June 1996.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
Query Refinement in Constraint Multimedia Databases.
In Proc. of the Principles of Multimedia Information Systems Workshop,
September 1995.
A. Belussi, E. Bertino, M. Bertolotto, and B. Catania.
Generalized Relational Algebra: Modeling Spatial Queries in Constraint
In LNCS 1034: Proc. of the First International CONTESSA Database Workshop, Constraint Databases
and Their Applications,
Friedrichshafen, Germany, September
G. Zarri and B. Catania.
Using Complex Conceptual Structures for Representing and Querying the
Meaning of Narrative NL Documents.
In Proc. of the Second International
Workshop on Next Generation
Information Technologies and Systems, pages 178-184, Naharia, Israel,
June 1995.
E. Bertino and B. Catania.
Database Monitoring in U-Datalog.
In Proc. of the Second International
Workshop on Next Generation
Information Technologies and Systems, Naharia, Israel,
June 1995.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, G. Guerrini, M. Martelli, and D. Montesi.
A Bottom-Up Interpreter for a Database Language with
Updates and Transactions.
In R. Barbuti, M. Alpuente and I. Ramos, editors, Proc. 1994
Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, volume II, pages 206-220,
Peniscola, Spain, September 1994.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, G. Guerrini, and D. Montesi.
Static Analysis of Transactional Intensional Databases.
In U. Geske and D. Seipel, editors, Proc. Second ICLP Workshop
on Deductive Databases - Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, pages
57-73, S. Margherita Ligure, Italy, June 1994.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, G. Guerrini, and D. Montesi.
Transaction Optimization in Rule Databases.
In J. Widom and S. Chakravarthy, editors, Proc. Fourth
International IEEE Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering - Active
Database Systems, pages 137-145, Houston, USA, February 1994.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and G. Guerrini.
Logic Programming and Databases: Overview of Transaction
Otimization in Constrained Datalog.
In Proc. Second World Congress on Expert Systems, Lisboa, Portugal, January 1994.
Invited Paper.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and G. Guerrini.
LOL: A Deductive Object Language for Databases.
In M. Tanik, W. Rossak, and D. Cooke, editors, Proc. ETCE
Computers in Engineering Symposium}, pages 237-246, New Orleans, USA,
January 1994.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, and G. Guerrini.
An Overview of LOL: a Deductive Language for Object Bases.
In A. Makinouchi, editor, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Next
Generation Database Systems and Their Applications, pages 69-76,
Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993.
Invited Paper.
National Conferences
Alberto Belussi, Barbara Catania and Paola Podesta. Topological Selection Operators: an Approximation-based Approach. In Proc. of the
17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD'09), Camogli, Italy, June 2009.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, D. Laradi, B. Marin, G.P. Zarri.
An Indexing Approach for Multimedia Digital Libraries
In Proc. of the Annual Conference AICA,
Taormina, Italy, September 2000.
O. Arvigo and B. Catania.
Integrity Constraint Checking in U-Datalog.
In Proc. Settimo Convegno Nazionale, Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di
Dati, (SEBD'99), Como, Italy, June 1999.
J. Garcia-Molina, G. Guerrini, and B. Catania.
Dimensiones en el diseo de un modelo de vistas orientadas a objetos.
In Actas de Primeras Jornadas en Investigation y Docencia en Bases
de Datos, pag. 119-129, La Corua, Spain, June 1996.
B. Catania.
Inference Problems in Database Systems.
In Proc. of the Annual Conference AICA,
Cagliari, Italy, September 1995.
Invited paper.
B. Catania.
Constraints and Optimization in Deductive Databases.
In Proc. Terzo Convegno Nazionale, Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di
Dati, (SEBD'95), Ravello, Italy, June 1995.
E. Bertino, B. Catania, G. Guerrini, M. Martelli, and D. Montesi.
Formalizzazione e Ottimizzazione di Transazioni di
Modifica in CLP(AD).
In D. Sacca`, editor, Proc. Eighth Italian Conference on Logic
Programming, pages 501-516, Gizzeria Lido, Italy, June 1993.
In Italian.
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Barbara Catania
Last Updated: February, 2010